Dan Sarzynski to Speak on Residential Mortgage Foreclosures & Workouts
Rupp Baase Pfalzgraf Cunningham partner attorney, Dan Sarzynski will be the speaker for a New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) CLE on Residential Mortgage Foreclosures & Workouts. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 13th 2018 at Classics V on Niagara Falls Boulevard in Amherst, New York. This continuing legal education program will present a practical “nuts and bolts” approach to New York State’s judicial residential mortgage foreclosure process.
Dan Sarzynski is the practice area leader for our banking and creditors’ rights. He has been practicing in this area of law for over 15 years. His practice includes workouts, restructurings, foreclosures, bankruptcies, lending, and compliance. Dan is admitted to the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District, Northern District, Southern District, and Western District of New York. He was also the Erie County Bar Association Commercial & Bankruptcy Law Committee chair. He is an expert in foreclosures.
If you want to learn more about banking and creditors’ rights, residential foreclosures and more this is the CLE for you.
Click here for more information on this CLE from the New York State Bar Association.
We hope to see you there on November 13.