On March 27, 2020, the President of the United States signed a law that provides additional Unemployment Insurance (“UI”) assistance to workers impacted by COVID-19. This new pandemic unemployment assistance law provides:
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance – Extended eligibility for individuals who have traditionally been ineligible for UI benefits (e.g., self-employed workers, independent contractors);
- Pandemic Unemployment Compensation – An additional $600 per week, on top of regular benefits, to all UI recipients; and,
- Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation – An additional 13 weeks of UI benefits, beyond the regular 26 weeks already provided, for a total of 39 weeks of coverage.
Please find updated information on what you need to know in the document below:
QUESTION: Who is eligible for PUA?
ANSWER: Individuals are eligible for PUA if they do not qualify for regular UI benefits (including self-employed
workers and independent contractors) and cannot work because they:
• Are diagnosed COVID-19 or have COVID-19 symptoms and are seeking diagnosis;
• Have a member of the household who is diagnosed with COVID-19;
• Are providing care for a family or household member diagnosed with COVID-19;
• Are the primary caregiver for a child whose school or care facility closed, due to COVID-19;
• Are unable to reach their place of employment due to an imposed quarantine, or because advised by medical
provider to self-quarantine, due to COVID-19;
• Were scheduled to start new employment and cannot reach the workplace as direct result of COVID-19;
• Became the major breadwinner because the head of household died from COVID-19;
• Quit their job as a direct result of COVID-19;
• Had their place of employment closed as a direct result of COVID-19; or
• Meet any additional criteria specified by U.S. Secretary of Labor.
Individuals are not eligible for PUA if they can telework or are receiving paid sick leave or other paid leave benefits
(regardless of meeting a category listed above).
QUESTION: How do I apply for PUA?
ANSWER: You can file a PUA application online at labor.ny.gov. Please note, you cannot apply for PUA until you have been determined ineligible for UI benefits. You must apply for UI before you apply for PUA.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Labor & Employment team, we are not just attorneys we are parents, sons and daughters and business owners too.
Stay safe.