We want to wish a congratulations to our four Law Clerks for passing the bar exam. Your hard work, dedication and courage has helped you achieve this incredible accomplishment. We at Rupp Baase Pfalzgraf Cunningham are proud to introduce you to our wonderful clients.
Meet Elizabeth Costello, the newest member of our Business Law team, in our Buffalo office.

Elizabeth Costello grew up in Los Angeles then went to the University of Miami for her undergraduate degree. She graduated from The University at Buffalo School of Law, magna cum laude. We are thrilled to welcome her to our business law team.
Kevin Federation, Rochester office and Nolan Hale, Buffalo office will be joining the firm’s Insurance Defense practice group.

Kevin Federation attended State University of New York at Fredonia for undergrad and graduated from Boston College Law School, cum laude. A fun fact about him is that he was an investment advisor before going to law school.
Nolan Hale completed his undergrad at State University of New York at Buffalo then graduated from Syracuse University College of Law. Nolan was an exercise science major in undergrad with the intention to become a physical therapist until he took a law class and was hooked.
We could not be happier to have Kevin and Nolan on our insurance defense team.
Last is Brandon Snyder, long time summer associate in our Buffalo office and proud member of our firm championship softball team, will be joining our Property Litigation team.

Brandon Snyder attended Daemen College for his undergraduate degree, then University at Buffalo School of Law. Welcome to the property litigation team!
Congratulations again for passing the bar exam!