When it comes to antitrust law, there’s no competition.


Antitrust Law

Whether the average consumer knows it or not, federal antitrust laws exist to protect them from large, established corporations. And in the antitrust space, it’s on us to enforce those laws to the fullest extent. We doggedly pursue evidence through in-depth documentation collection and reviews and often collaborate with our business law and business litigation colleagues who are well versed in the ins and outs of mergers and acquisitions.

What is Antitrust Law?

Antitrust laws, sometimes called competition laws, are put into place to encourage competition and prevent monopolization and predatory practices in business. The most well know competition laws are the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and The Federal Trade Commission Act.

Our Antitrust Attorneys

The lawyers at Rupp Pfalzgraf are experienced with class action lawsuits. They are knowledgeable in federal and New York state antitrust laws. Our law firm is diligent in its discovery and document analysis of antitrust claims for issues such as monopoly and price fixing.

Our Antitrust Attorneys Specialize In:

• Price Fixing of Commodities
• Sherman Act Violations
• Discovery & Document Analysis

Get in touch.