Practice: Divorce & Family

Elizabeth DiPirro


Divorce & Family

Fertility Law

Office: (716) 854-3400 x412

Fax: (716) 332-0336


Caitlyn Shank

CAITLYN SHANKPARTNEROffice: (716) 854-3400 x407 Fax: (716) 332-0336 Email: The families I work with are facing some of the most difficult, emotional, and high-stress moments of their lives. It’s this understanding that helps me see them through to the other side of their situation, using my deep courtroom experience and legal skills to handle… Read More

Caitlyn Shank - Partner Attorney - Divorce & Family Law - Rupp Pfalzgraf- People at Law

Michael Colletta

MICHAEL COLLETTAPARTNERDivorce & FamilyOffice: (716) 854-3400 x410 Fax: (716) 332-0336 Email: The most powerful tool I use isn’t my law degree or my laptop—it’s my two ears. I start every case by listening closely to everything my clients say, so I can understand what they’ve been through and where they want to go from… Read More

Michael Colletta - Partner Attorney - Divorce & Family Law - Rupp Pfalzgraf- People at Law