Role: Associates

Keli Iles-Hernandez


Divorce & Family

Fertility Law

Office: (716) 854-3400 x409

Fax: (716) 332-0336


Matthew Withiam-Leitch

MATTHEW WITHIAM-LEITCH ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY Property Insurance Litigation Office: 716-854-3400 x275 Fax: 716-856-2924 Email: “Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy.” Ever since I was a child, I’ve always enjoyed strategizing. Whether it was board games with the family or trying to plan the perfect day during summer vacation, I always took pride in formulating a strategy and… Read More

Matthew Withiam-Leitch - Rupp Pfalzgraf

Jacob Honan

JACOB HONANASSOCIATE ATTORNEYBusiness LitigationOffice: 716.854.3400 ext. 291 Email: I have always been skilled at collaborating with others to accomplish a common goal. My experiences of growing up with a large family, working in the restaurant industry, and playing popular music in bands have provided me with a synergistic mindset. As a member of the… Read More

Jacob Honan - Headshot - Associate Attorney - Rupp Pfalzgraf - Business Litigation

Taylor Way

As someone who was playing the piano before I learned to read, I’m always striving to write the perfect song.  I bring this drive for perfection to both my musical and legal pursuits.  Whether putting the finishing touches on a composition, or representing clients in litigation, I always aim to reach the ideal outcome. It’s… Read More

Taylor Way - Headshot - Associate Attorney - Rupp Pfalzgraf - Business Litigation - Insurance Defense - Project Development & Environmental

Brandon Snyder

BRANDON SNYDERASSOCIATE ATTORNEYProperty Insurance LitigationOffice: (716) 854.3400 x231 Fax: (716) 332.0336 Email: In the great words of legendary broadcaster, Vin Scully, “Good is not good when better is expected.”  I pride myself knowing that in order to succeed in this profession, you must hold yourself accountable to the highest standards in order to give… Read More

Passing the bar during a global pandemic - Rupp Pfalzgraf - brandon snyder - associate attorney - property litigation

Nolan Hale

While at the University at Buffalo, I majored in Exercise Science with the intention of becoming a Physical Therapist. I studied the human body, athletic injuries, neurosciences, plus interned at a concussion research lab here in Buffalo.  I had always been curious about the law, so I took a class to see if there was anything… Read More

Passing the bar during a global pandemic - Rupp Pfalzgraf - nolan hale - associate attorney - insurance defense