Aaron Knights


Business Litigation

Veterinary Law & Ethics

Office: (716) 854-3400 x222

Fax: (716) 332-0336

Email: knights@rupppfalzgraf.com

Aaron Knights


Business Litigation

Veterinary Law & Ethics

Office: (716) 854-3400 x222

Fax: (716) 332-0336

Email: knights@rupppfalzgraf.com

“If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.”  As a litigator, I believe it’s critical to bring a toolbox filled with experience, creativity, and common sense to dispute resolution for my clients’ short and long-term needs.  I am dedicated to finding solutions wherever they lie, whether through the courts or elsewhere, and I will be careful not to lose sight of my clients’ ultimate goal; to efficiently fix the problems with which they have entrusted me.  I am a firm believer in maintaining frank and open lines of communication so that my clients can properly weigh the full range of available options against costs and potential outcomes.

Having practiced law in Washington, DC for nearly 20 years, I have extensive experience representing clients in a wide variety of high-stakes commercial disputes and cross-border litigation matters in state and federal trial and appellate courts, regulatory proceedings, and private arbitrations and mediations.  I have advised foreign governments, high net-worth individuals, and U.S.-based and multi-national companies across many industries, including banking and finance, securities, real estate, and energy.