In a recent interview with WIVB, Tony Rupp, civil rights attorney, shed light on an ongoing case involving his client, Brian Buchalski, a former Niagara Falls police officer. Buchalski faced the unfortunate loss of his job in May after authorities determined he did not meet the city’s residency requirements. However, Buchalski maintains that he resides within the city limits of Niagara Falls while also owning a second property, that his girlfriend rents from him, in the Town of Niagara. City officials, on the other hand, contend that his primary residence lies outside the city.
Buchalski firmly believes that this charge stems from retaliation, prompted by his extended worker’s compensation claim and his complaint about a hostile workplace environment to the state authorities.
He said city officials went to great lengths to harass and terminate him during his two-and-a-half-year stint on a worker’s compensation claim, including having the superintendent of the police department, a captain, and at least four members of the narcotics division run surveillance on Buchalski for hours at a time.
Tony Rupp, the attorney representing Buchalski, expressed his outrage at the situation, stating:
“They’re using narcotics detectives to follow a guy around in their official vehicles, and it’s a complete waste of taxpayer money. It’s an utter disgrace, really, for the City of Niagara Falls that they are going about it this way.”
To read the entire article and gain a deeper understanding of the circumstances surrounding Brian Buchalski’s case, we invite you to visit the WIVB website here.